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\documentclass[PhD]{msu-thesis} % Your extra packages here % % Define the title, author, field of study, date, and dedication (optional) % \title{The syntax and semantics of phonology} \author{Joe Linguist} \fieldofstudy{Linguistics} % should be in sentence case \dedication{This thesis is dedicated to someone.} \date{2014} % \begin{document} \frontmatter % \maketitlepage % \begin{abstract} Your abstract text here \end{abstract} % \clearpage \makecopyrightpage \makededicationpage % \clearpage \chapter*{Acknowledgements} \DoubleSpacing Your acknowledgements here % \clearpage \SingleSpacing \tableofcontents* \clearpage \listoftables \clearpage \listoffigures % \mainmatter \chapter{Your first chapter} % \begin{appendix} \chapter{Your first appendix} \end{appendix} \backmatter \SingleSpacing \bibliography{your-bib-file} \end{document}