[table of contents]

5.15 Customizing the look of things

I have created a basic looking style for Chapter headings based on the thatcher style in memoir. If you want to change these things, you may, using the appropriate \renewcommand commands. More information can be found in the memoir documentation. The Thesis Office seems to require dotted leaders for the List of Figures/Tables in the Table of Contents, (despite the guide saying they are optional) even though they get typeset as Chapters. If you wish your Chapter headings to have no leaders, add the following command just after the \mainmatter command. To put the dots back for the Bibliography, repeat the same command right after the \backmatter command, but replace \cftnodots with \cftdotsep. The default template leaves dots everywhere, which should appease the thesis office.


Despite there being no explicit formatting requirements for Chapter headings (other than that they start 1 in from the top of the page), the thesis office has been known to dislike many things, so if you do decide to change things, be prepared for rejection or a frustrating fight.