[table of contents]

5.8 Colons after Appendix titles

I have also received reports that sometimes the thesis office requires a colon after appendix titles in the table of contents. To add this colon you can add \renewcommand{\msuappendixdelim}{:} to your preamble.

5.8.1 New lists and floats

Note that the thesis office no longer seems to require lists of anything other than the main table of contents. This is another odd decision on their part. If do include a List of Tables and List of Figures and need to add other lists, you can follow the directions here. Note that lists of algorithms require special treatment. See §5.10.

If you are using other kinds of floats such as listings, you should use the Memoir \newlistof command to make the relevant list. The class provides a macro \msucaptiondelim which can be used to make sure the formatting of the captions in the list-of-X match the setting you have for Figures and Tables. Here is an example of how you would add a listings list. For lists of algorithms, see section 5.10 below. The following code goes in your preamble:

\newlistof{listoflistings}{lol}{List of Listings} 

Then in your front matter you include a \listoflistings in the same way you would add the \listoffigures or \listoftables (preceded by a \clearpage). In your actual document you would use. (Note that this code doesn’t actually format a listing as code; you would further embed your favourite code listing environment inside this environment.)

Your listing code here 